Leane Creatief - Lea'bilities und By Lene - Stanz- und Prägeschablone, Garten Tor

10 x 6 cm, von Leane Creatief, 1 Schablone zum Stanzen und Prägen

Artikelnummer:: Kh4450324

Stanz- und Prägeschablone,

Leane Creatief,

Garten Tor,

10 x 6 cm,

1 Schablone zum Stanzen und Prägen

Owen 01-07-2019 03:09


I want to say what a beautiful webshop you have made.
I am a regular customer of your store.
I had visited your shop last month, and I saw a very nice item i wanne buy.
But I have a question! today I wanted to order it, but can not find the item anymore in your website.
The item looks like the first picture on this site.
Mail me if you are going to sell it again.
I'll wait.


5 Sterne, basierend auf 1 Bewertungen
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